Thank you for your attendance.
-»Excellent poster award
2014 International Conference on Artificial Photosynthesis
November 24-28, 2014
Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center
Awaji City, Hyogo, Japan
▶Bus Timetable: Kobe/Sannomiya «-» Conference Venue (Japanese)
Organized by
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
"All Nippon Artificial Photosynthesis Project for Living Earth (AnApple)"
Co-organized by
JST-PRESTO (Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology)
"Chemical Conversion of Light Energy"
Supported by
Catalysis Society of Japan
Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry
The Chemical Society of Japan
The Electrochemical Society of Japan
The Japan Petroleum Institute
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
The Japanese Photochemistry Association
The Japanese Society of Photosynthesis Research
The Photofunctional Complexes Research Association Japan
The Physical Society of Japan
The Society of Pure & Applied Coordination Chemistry
The Surface Science Society of Japan
Call for Presentation
Poster: Each attendance can submit one poster presentation.
Important Date
Poster abstract submission deadline  : August  20, 2014
Author notification  : September   1, 2014
Early bird registration deadline  : September 20, 2014
Hitoshi Tamiaki, Ritsumeikan University
icarp2014 artificial-photosynthesis.net